Tips & Tricks for Tower - Part 2
April 2017 by Tobias Günther

Tips & Tricks for Tower - Part 2

This is episode #2 in our "Tips & Tricks" series: 5 animated GIFs help you become more productive with Tower.

In case you missed them, be sure to check out episodes #1, #3, and #4!

1. Bookmark Folders

Group your repository bookmarks in folders!

2. Checking Out a Branch

Wherever you are: checking out a branch is always just a click away. Read more...

3. Commit Without the Mouse

Make commits without taking your hands off the keyboard! Read more...

4. Navigation Bar

Open a Submodule right from within its parent repository. Tower's "Navigation Bar" makes sure you don't get lost. Read more...

5. Copy Commit Info

Select a series of commits and easily get their messages and IDs. Read more...

If you haven't already, be sure to check out Tower and try these tips & tricks yourself:

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